Maturity Evaluation:

Our holistic Maturity Evaluation model measures your organizations existing capabilities and understands your current position in terms of cyber security. Measure your organizations standards with alignment to various domains and components. Our maturity evaluation is a repeatable benchmark of an organization's cybersecurity maturity.

Strategy and Framework

Cyber Security is a field where the enterprises should consider them as a mandatory part of their growth strategy. As the complexity of the technology and information increases, day by day the fragility of the data increases drastically. They pose serious threats and hamper damage to business continuity and growth. Cyber hygiene starts from empowering the developers to the end-users, it's a strategy which acts and comes into the picture in every single cyber touchpoint.

At Cyber Flax, our experts help you in quantifying your enterprises cybersecurity posture and crafts a customized strategy backed with machine learning to flag abnormal traffic and alert to threats in real-time. Implementation of our cyber framework, set of measured rules and practises, helps your organization to better manage and reduce cybersecurity risk. Our strategy and framework are intended to cultivate communications between both inner and outer authoritative partners.